Area of Focus
User Personas and Storymap
Mobile WebWireframes
Based on existing user personas, storymaps, and other inputs, I created wireframes that demonstrated how users might interact with the mobile web portal. Throughout the process, I looked for opportunities to refine the steps and messaging and create new interactions and content to improve the overall experience.
User Experience Flows: Onboarding, Portal Homepage, Chats, Calls, Scheduling, Groups
Note: Some text is obscured for client confidentiality.
Mobile WebInformation Architecture
For client-facing presentations, I created IA diagrams, which incorporated insights from user interviews, UX expectations for different types of users, and other notes.
Pictured: Onboarding Flow
Mobile WebVisual Design
User Experience Flows: Onboarding, Portal Homepage, Chats, Calls, Scheduling, Groups
Pictured: Onboarding and Portal Homepage screens
Desktop WebWireframes
User Experience Flows: Onboarding, Portal Homepage, Chats, Calls, Scheduling, Groups
Desktop WebInformation Architecture
Pictured: Onboarding Flow
Desktop WebVisual Design
User Experience Flows: Onboarding, Portal Homepage, Chats, Calls, Scheduling, Groups
Pictured: Onboarding and Portal Homepage screens